So, we met up with each other at JJ at 1pm yesterday. Hoi Meng and Weng Joh reach first, Kar Mun and me was second. Third was Kar Ming. We actually plan to wait Raymond at Mc Donalds but instead of wasting time waiting for him, we walk around JJ. HEHE.
Hoi Meng and I played the basketball machine in Capcom Station. SUDAH BIASA, of course i win. =p It was 4months ago since I last played that game with him. Haha. Really enjoy it. Later
we went FOOD & TEA for our lunch. Lazy to type, pictures explain it all..^.^
Can't believe them, watching JAPAN things here..haih =p
She's Kar Mun for your information..LOL
After we finish our lunch, Raymond Liew finally arrived. Lambat betul la dia. ISHH~
After that we all went Kenny Rogers and visit them. Met Miss Lisa there. Chat with her for a while. Don't know why everytime talk to her, she confirm tell things about Stephanie one..LOL. Then went blow water with some of the workers there..There are indeed some changes in KRR. Some new workers and so on. We ended our reunion with a photo.
Then i'm off to tuition~